Big leagues home made Cover Scents
Yes, it's a well known fact that commercial cover scents and lures are effective and convenient but for sure, there's nothing else more exciting than going hunting the old fashion style.
If you don't wish to go for the easy buying a commercial cover scent, using what's available on the woods is the easiest way to have a natural cover scent but if you wish to move a step forward home made water based cover scents are easy to prepare and handle, however despite of being effective, such kind of cover scents are not long lasting nor the most intense ones.
After trying the basics regarding natural cover scents it's time to move to the big leagues and try more complex but still more effective ways to create your own cover scents.
Unfortunately to do that you will need to find some ingredients at the store because not all what you'll need is available on the nature, thus the big leagues are a mix of modern chemistry and natural raw materials.
When using water to create an infusion which will be used as a cover scent later, the results tend to be good but since water evaporate easily and have poor fixation power the odor will go away fast too. To resolve this issue the best way is to use another solvent to prepare your cover scent and among all the available, alcohol and oils are the most popular ones.
The easiest way to prepare a big league cover scent is macerating your raw material (pine tree needles, country flowers and so on) on denatured alcohol. You may put all together (alcohol and raw material) on a closed jar and leave it for several weeks, at least four. After this period all the scent has been transferred to the alcohol, thus when it's applied to the skin and clothes alcohol will quickly evaporate leaving behind a deep, long lasting scent due to its fixation power.
This method is easy and effective, being the only issue the requirement of several weeks of preparation, however you may prepare it on one season for the next.
Now you are ready to prepare long lasting, very effective, home made cover scents using alcohol; but for something even better just click here.