How to stay safe during a feral hog hunting

How to stay safe during a feral hog hunting

Feral hogs are a very popular game among hunters because many states don't have a closed season neither a bag limit, while this animal is considered a harmful, dangerous species.

But going behind a 200-300 pounds animal is not a just a joke; in fact a big, male feral hog is able to infringe serious injuries and even kill a person, so this game requires not only tracking and hunting skills but also a lot of common sense in order to excerpt a safe hunting trial.

Feral hogs are dangerous animals for many reasons, the first one their size but not the only one; in fact a 200 pounds hog is able to run as fast as 25 mph; and that's a lot of energy if you are in the middle of its way; so consider it when you are out in the bushes.

On the other hand, hogs count with four, razor sharp tusks able to cut human skin and muscles like butter. 

The combination of size, power and tusks plus a strong territorial sense and an overall bad attitude, make of feral hog a formidable adversary, especially if wounded, so you don't wish to stay on their way.

Additionally hogs suffer from diseases which can be easily transmitted to humans, such as swine brucellosis, so this game is dangerous even after dead.

In order to stay safe and have a successful hog hunting, here you have a key safety tips:

1. Plan your trip

It's necessary to know the area, and have an estimation of where hogs may be as well so many. For this it's important pre-hunting scouting; so you won't be in Feral Hogs Hunting Tipsthe middle of a furious hog's way unexpectedly.

On the other hand, design a contingency program in case of being attacked or injured. This plan must be known by everyone on your group, then anyone will be able to help in the case of the worse case scenario.

2. Have a first aid kit

You never know if a hunting trip will result on an injury, and medical attention may be miles away from your position, so be sure to count with a complete first aid kit just in case you need to handle an injured hunter out in the field.

3. Prepare an escape route

You don't wish to get trapped between a furious, giant, male hog and a cliff, so once you set your spot position, be sure to have an escape route, just in case.

The best positions are tree blinds since you will be out of hog's reach; but if you are spotting from ground level, be sure to be near a tree you can climb on in case of an emergency.

Remember, hogs can run as fast as 25 mph; so running away is not feasible unless you are a professional runner; so be sure to have a place to climb or to hide in, just in case things run out of control.

4. Stay away from piglets

Hogs are very protective with their offspring, so stay away from piglets even if you don't see any big hog around, because they are able to run like a flash from nowhere if you get close to the piglets.

There's not better way to get in trouble with hogs than being near their piglets; so stay away from them, that's for your own safety.

5. Take extreme precautions when butchering the dead game

Use protective glove and protective goggles to avoid contact with blood or any other bodily fluid. Once you have skinned the game and  performed field dressing, wash your hands and equipment thoroughly.

As you may see, hogs hunting may be extremely dangerous, but if you proceed carefully and take precaution measures, your hog hunting trial will end successfully and without any injury.

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