Hunter's basic survival kit
It's a fact; hunting is an exciting experience but also a dangerous one, especially if you move deep into the forest, away from trails and human contact for many days, chasing an elusive big game such as Mountain Goat or a Moose, so what began as a wonderful hunting trip may turn suddenly onto a life threatening situation because of extreme weather, a hunting accident or simply because you get lost.
That's the reason behind the need to be prepared for survival when you are out for hunting. No matter how experienced you are or how good knowledge of the area have, on each hunting trip you must be prepared for the worse case scenario, then your basic survival kit should include at least:
1. A pocket knife. This is a very valuable tool to build up a shelter, help you with your food and even to fabricate new tools, so a durable, reliable pocket knife will be your best friend if things turn wrong.
2. First aid kit. From simple cuts up to snake bites and even accidental gun injuries, you might face all kind of medical situations on the field, so be sure to include a first aid kit complete enough to deal with the commonest situations. On this regard, be sure to include gauze sponges, antiseptics, pain killers, antihistamines and a couple of adrenaline shots in case of severe allergic reactions; additionally you must keep on your first aid kit an extra supply of your regular medicines, just in case the trip extends more than expected.
3. A two way radio. This could be the difference between being lost for a long time or being rescued soon. Always keep a radio or at least a good walkie talkie just in case you need to contact someone for help once on the forest. Don't remember to check batteries!
4. Water purifier equipment. Human beings may live up to a month without food but barely two or three days without water. The problem with water is water borne infections, so even when you are in an area plenty of water, it could be risky to consume it the way you find on a river or creek since an infection could affect you jeopardizing not only your chances to leave the area fast but also your life. A water purifier will help to deal with this threat and will keep you safe.
5. Extra food supply. It's hard to realize about how difficult is to find food out in nature until you have to sustain yourself from what you are able to collect and hunt, and even when it's possible to life exclusively from what the terrain has to offer, it's not a bad idea to keep extra supplies for an extra two or three days, just in case.
6. Flashlights and batteries. Perhaps you don't think to expend the night out but a repentine storm could change your plans, so be prepared to stay out by night.
7. A topo map and compass. Modern hunters trust on their cell phones and GPS equipments but nothing is more reliable to get oriented than a topo map and a good compass. GPS and cell phones may run out of energy, being damaged because of falls or water or simply lose the signal; something that won't neves occur to the classi couple topo map/compass. Thus be sure to carry them on your backpack before leaving.
Finally, remember that the best way to deal with an emergency is to avoid it, so the common sense is your best tool to keep you and your hunting fellas safe, no matter the situation.