Winter Deer Hunting

Winter Deer Hunting

Even if tree stand and blind hunting are the most effective deer hunting techniques when the season begins, once the winter starts using such techniques probably will lead to many days of frustration without even seeing a single deer.

That's because when bad weather arrives and conditions get harder deer are confined to small pockets of cover where they are able to eat and bed relatively safe and there's not too much to do around, so once the winter arrives, there won't be too many signs of deer activity on the surroundings.

Then it will be better to leave your stand or blind and hit the field for some still hunting. If properly performed, this technique will increase your odds while you will be going to deer instead of waiting them to get close to you, however it's easier saying than doing, and masterize the art of still hunting will require a lot of effort, patience and practice.

Meanwhile you may follow the next tips to facilitate your learning, increase your success rates (at least a little bit) and eventually become a remarkable still deer hunting.

First thing you need to know is that still hunting is a matter of patience, so if you are of those hunters always in a hurry, reconsider still hunting.

Once you have assumed patience as the key skill for still deer hunting, it's time to be aware that everything is about technique. Paying attention to details, moving slowly, become undetectable and being ready to shot at any moment are just a few abilities you will need to develop to become a successful still deer hunter.

To increase your odds and make things easier, it will be useful to know that:Deer still hunting

1. Bad weather is an ally

With snow or rain deer smell sense will be impaired, increasing your odds; additionally a heavy rain or snow will cover any sound you could make while help to blend your shape with the surroundings. 

In one single phrase, bad weather is your best cover.

2. Regardless of weather conditions, move into the wind

Otherwise your scent will arrive to bucks much before you are able to see them, making the animals to go away.

3. Follow fresh tracks on snow

Perhaps those tracks won't take you to an specific animal but to an area where there's deer activity. Once there it will be a matter of time to find a buck.

4. Move slowly and quiet

To move slowly implies one step at a time, with stopped intervals among each step. Moving slow is the key to remain undetectable and blend with the surrounding but it's not enough because you also need to be quiet.

Even a small brach crack on one single step will be enough to render all your effort useless, so remain as quiet as possible and in case of an undesired (and sometimes unavoidable) noise, hold your movement for a while and wait until deer assume everything is fine.

5. Keep concentrated and ready to fire.

Just a distraction spark will be enough to leave still hunting to a sudden, frustrating end; so keep concentrated on your objective and be ready to fire whenever you find a chance.

On this regard, keep your weapon on aiming position all the time and be ready for though shots; perhaps that will be your only chance and you don't wish to miss it.

As it may be seen, still hunting is not an easy task, it takes a lot of practice and experience to masterize it, but once you have proper domain of the technique, it will be just a matter of time to become one of the most successful still deer hunters.


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