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The color was choosen because there's not a lot of orange things on the bushes and because such color jumps to the sight for human beings, hence if you see something orange moving on the bushes you'll immediately identify it as another hunter and won't shoot.Blaze Orange Vests are mandatory when moving around hunting

But what about the games? If a person is able to see the orange vest, why don't animals? After all they won't find such a brilliant colour familiar on their environment and could fly away!

If you are wondering about the aforementioned, you are right, but there's some facts you need to know to clarify the situation.

On some cases such as deer hunting, orange is a minor issues since deer are partially blind to some colors and orange could be confused with yellow or green, nevertheless, the solid pattern is still a major concern, furthermore, the use of camouflage is not to make you see like a tree but to fuse you with the environment and a solid, orange vest certainly won't help; but it's better to be detected by deer than not being detected by another hunter!

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First thing to know is that elk habitat areas are limited and not all of them are available for everyone, in fact, you can go for elks on both private or public lands; on the first case you will need an authorization from the owner
, otherwise you could get involved in serious troubles; but if you choose to move to public lands, no permission is required other than those from wildlife regulatory authorities during a particular season.
Public Land Elk Hunting

If it's your first season, perhaps you wish to talk with locals about the best hunting areas; no matter if you scouted the zone the last summer, elks behaviours change when the first hunter arrive and they move towards more inaccessible areas, making elk hunting physically demanding; hence, once again, be prepared to give your best!

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Looking for "loving partners" and securing an area is critical for deer during this period,
Lures to hunt deerthus males, especially the big ones are more territorial and competitive, thus they will fight all competitors to kick them out their territories. With a keen smell sense capable to detect competitors several miles away, you may use buck urine to tell the big boys on the area that someone is there to defeat their throne; afterwards wait for the dominant deer to show up looking for competitors. Of course, instead of a buck, they will reach your shooting position giving you a chance to catch a trophy.

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Survival Hunting: Slingshots and Primitive Skill Have you ever ended up in a survival situation? While some fundamental survival skills while in the wild conventionally learned by times before us, late times are significantly less knowledgeable in such way. The majority of hunters hardly know how to survive without their rifle, GPS, binoculars, and lots more. As hunters, the hunting expenditure usually takes us far into the wild. It benefits us to take in the crucial capacities required to get by in case we ever get ourselves stranded in nature. Various survival conditions last under 72 hours and every so...

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2. Remember to bring with you enough water and a good supply of high caloric feed and snacks. Being out there on the cold and snow consumes a lot of calories as well increase your water loses, hence failing to keep you hydrated and with enough energy to move around could end on problems; so be sure to bring with you all you need to guarantee a proper caloric and water intake, especially when you are planning to be outBlood Trail when Hunting on Snow several days. Don't jeopardize your safety!

Now that your gear and clothes are ready it's time to go for the game and there's a couple of thing you need to know to improve your odds:

1. Watch the high country. If there's snow up there, animals will move to lower elevations, specially big games, thus look for those areas with easier access to food and water (if you have previously scouted the area it will be easier to locate such places) and move toward them, your chances to catch something big will be good.

2. Follow the tracks. Every hunter is a tracker, in fact, tracking is an essential skill for success when hunting but when you are out on the snow the job could be easier. Tracks last longer on snow and rarely are deleted, thus you may follow an animal's track for longer distances, more than on any other condition; however there's a couple of things to keep in mind: On deep snow it's hard to determine the movement direction, thus it's easier to follow the tracks on the wrong way! Hence try to correlate the tracks with near food sources as well terrain characteristics in order to determine the proper direction to follow the tracks.

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